Our approach prioritises conservation and efficiency measures, lowering demand before jumping into expensive projects (municipal backup, water augmentation, water treatment). Applying the AQUAffection DROP principle (Data, Refine, Options, Proceed), we emphasise efficiency measures like efficient toilets, taps, and pressure management to achieve over 45% (on average) water demand reduction. We want to share our passion for water, and offer extensive water awareness training and deploy strategies for leak prevention, maintenance, and operational effectiveness.
Our holistic approach to water management integrates alternative sources like rainwater, groundwater, and wastewater for net positive water use. We implement advanced filtration, electrical systems, and continuous water quality monitoring, ensuring compliance with SANS241 standards.
The feasibility analysis considers factors like rainfall, current demand, alternative sources, cost savings, and a comprehensive maintenance plan. With a dedication to sustainable water management, we aim to create a continuous, positive feedback loop for long-term, impactful water demand reduction.